占地 55,406 公顷的莫特佩纳牧场 (Motpena Station),原为南澳大利亚梅尔纳莫拉 (Merna Mora) 牧场,现正在出售。 55,406-hectare Motpena Station, a former Merna Mora run part in South Australia, is up for sale.
莫特佩纳牧场占地 55,406 公顷(136,911 英亩),原为南澳大利亚梅尔纳莫拉铁路的一部分,位于弗林德斯山脉和托伦斯湖之间,现正在出售。 55,406-hectare (136,911-acre) Motpena Station, a former part of South Australia's Merna Mora run, is up for sale between Flinders Ranges and Lake Torrens. 该站以干旱景观而闻名,拥有丰富的地下水,放养率为 1300 头牛。 Known for arid landscape, the station has abundant underground water and a stocking rate of 1300 cattle. 销售代理看到了除了放牧之外的多样化经营以及利用弗林德斯山脉旅游市场的潜力。 Selling agents see potential for diversifying from cattle grazing and leveraging the Flinders Ranges' tourism market. 进出销售包括财产、厂房和设备以及牲畜(需经过检验)。 The walk-in, walk-out sale includes property plant and equipment, and livestock (subject to muster).