海地首都的帮派暴力事件在三个月内造成 2,500 人死亡或受伤,影响了葬礼。 2,500 dead or injured in 3 months due to gang violence in Haiti's capital, impacting burial rituals.
在海地首都,帮派暴力事件激增,哀悼者艰难安葬亲人,短短三个月内已造成 2,500 多人死亡或受伤。 In Haiti's capital, mourners struggle to bury loved ones amid a surge in gang violence, which has left over 2,500 people dead or injured in just three months. 由于葬礼在海地文化中具有重要意义,悲痛的家庭很难找到释怀。 As burial rituals hold deep significance in Haitian culture, grieving families face difficulty in finding closure. 最近的一个例子是,一群青少年指责一个名为“共同生活”的帮派联盟杀害了他们 16 岁的朋友 Jhon-Roselet Joseph。 A recent example includes a group of teenagers accusing a gang coalition called 'Live Together' for killing their 16-year-old friend, Jhon-Roselet Joseph.