十六名家庭成员被发现死于海地偏远小镇。 Sixteen family members found dead in remote Haiti town.
参加葬礼一天后,16 名家庭成员被发现死在海地南部的一个偏远山区小镇。 Sixteen family members were found dead in a remote mountain town in southern Haiti, a day after attending a funeral. 死因不明,当地目击者推测是中毒,当局正在调查此案。 The cause of death is unknown, with local witnesses speculating poisoning, while authorities investigate the case. 这些死亡与帮派活动无关,尽管海地的犯罪集团近年来变得更加强大,去年因帮派暴力造成近 5,000 人死亡。 The deaths are unlinked to gang activity, though Haiti's criminal groups have grown more powerful in recent years, causing nearly 5,000 deaths due to gang violence last year.