证人作证称,梅内德斯帮助一家美国肉类出口商在埃及取得垄断地位,据称是为了回报该老板的贿赂。 Witness testified that Menendez helped give a U.S. meat exporter a monopoly in Egypt, allegedly as payback for bribes from the owner.
参议员鲍勃·梅内德斯受贿案的一名证人作证说,在一家美国公司获得垄断权后,认证出口到埃及的肉类是否符合伊斯兰饮食要求的成本猛涨。 A witness at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial testified that the cost of certifying meat exported to Egypt, following Islamic dietary requirements, skyrocketed after a single U.S. company received a monopoly. 检方指控称,70 岁的梅内德斯安排这项垄断行为是为了部分偿还公司老板瓦埃勒·哈纳 (Wael Hana) 行贿的贿赂,瓦埃勒·哈纳是梅内德斯妻子的朋友。 The prosecution alleges that Menendez, 70, arranged the monopoly as a partial payback for bribes received from the company's owner, Wael Hana, a friend of Menendez's wife.