缅甸与中国的资源贸易损害了其主权并威胁其独立。 Myanmar's resource trade with China undermines its sovereignty and threatens independence.
缅甸资源丰富,通过博览会、研讨会、展销会等与中国开展贸易。 Myanmar, rich in resources, has engaged in trade with China through expos, seminars, and fairs. 在缅甸国内冲突和军事政权的背景下,中国肆意开发缅甸的玉石和水电等资源,而不顾缅甸的主权和人民的福祉。 Amid internal conflicts and a military regime, China exploits Myanmar's resources, including jade and hydropower, without regard for its sovereignty or people's welfare. 这使得缅甸日益屈从于中国,威胁到其独立国家的地位。 This has rendered Myanmar increasingly subservient to China, threatening its status as an independent nation.