缅甸将在9月24日至28日期间在南宁举办的第21届中国-东盟博览会上展出产品, Myanmar exhibits products at the 21st China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning from Sep 24-28, aiming to enhance trade and promote regional development.
缅甸将在9月24日至28日在中国南宁举行的第21届中国-东盟博览会上展示84个展位。 Myanmar will showcase 84 booths at the 21st China-ASEAN Expo in Nanning, China, from September 24 to 28. 展览将展示大米、咖啡和宝石等产品。 The exhibition will feature products like rice, coffee, and gems. 博览会的目的是加强贸易关系,推进中国-东盟自由贸易区3.0,促进区域发展。 The expo aims to enhance trade relations, advance the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area 3.0, and promote regional development. 100多名与会者,包括工商界人士和官员,将出席这次活动。 Over 100 participants, including businesspeople and officials, will attend the event.