卡诺加公园住宅火灾造成 2 只狗死亡,1 只获救;火灾原因和损失估计正在调查中。 2 dogs killed, 1 rescued in Canoga Park home fire; cause and damage estimates under investigation.
卡诺加公园一处住宅发生火灾,造成 2 只狗死亡,1 只狗获救。 2 dogs killed, 1 rescued after fire breaks out at Canoga Park home. 消防员正在扑灭卡诺加公园一栋单层住宅的火灾,据报道,其中一间房间内存放了过多的物品。 Firefighters battled a fire at a single-story home in Canoga Park, with excessive storage reported in one room. 大火在30分钟内被扑灭,但起火原因和损失估计仍在调查中。 The fire was extinguished within 30 minutes, but the cause and damage estimates are still being investigated. 尚未报告人员受伤,但对三只失踪狗的搜寻仍在继续。 No human injuries were reported, but a search for three missing dogs is ongoing.