法官驳回了高等法院案件中 Gemma O'Doherty 的偏见指控。 Judge dismissed Gemma O'Doherty's bias claim in a High Court case.
法官康纳·迪格纳姆 (Conor Dignam) 驳回了高等法院审理的一起有关骚扰女性的诉讼中杰玛·奥多尔蒂 (Gemma O’Doherty) 提出的偏见指控。 Judge Conor Dignam rejected Gemma O'Doherty's claim of bias in a High Court action over alleged harassment of a woman. 迪格纳姆表示,他并不符合偏见的法律认定,但将会有另一位法官负责处理此案的进一步事宜。 Dignam said he did not meet the legal test for bias, but another judge will be available for further matters in the case. 奥多尔蒂被埃德尔·坎贝尔起诉,指控她在《爱尔兰之光》的一篇文章中未经授权使用了她儿子的照片,并将不明原因的死亡事件与新冠疫苗联系起来。 O'Doherty is being sued by Edel Campbell for allegedly unauthorized use of an image of her son in an Irish Light article linking unexplained deaths to the Covid-19 vaccine.