爱尔兰记者杰玛·奥多尔蒂因涉嫌骚扰自杀受害者的母亲并违反法庭命令而被法院起诉。 Irish journalist Gemma O'Doherty ordered to court for allegedly harassing suicide victim's mother and breaching court order.
一名爱尔兰法官下令记者杰玛·奥多尔蒂出庭,回答有关拒绝遵守不得骚扰一名自杀年轻人母亲的指控的指控。 An Irish judge has ordered journalist Gemma O'Doherty to appear in court to answer allegations of refusing to obey an order not to harass the mother of a young man who died by suicide. 死者的母亲埃德尔·坎贝尔 (Edel Campbell) 正在起诉奥多尔蒂,指控其在被告经营的出版物上使用了她已故儿子的照片。 Edel Campbell, the mother of the deceased, is suing O'Doherty over the use of an image of her late son on a publication run by the defendant. 法官确信奥多尔蒂违反了法院命令的条款,并应出庭对她所指控的藐视法庭行为作出回应,随后法官发布了该命令。 The judge granted the order after being satisfied that O'Doherty had breached the terms of a court order and should come before the court to answer her alleged contempt.