一名霍普韦尔地区学区的校车司机因一名学生报告看到一把枪从司机腿上掉落而被停职。 A Hopewell Area School District bus driver was suspended after a student reported seeing a gun fall from the driver's lap.
一名霍普韦尔地区学区的校车司机被停职,原因是一名学生报告说,在接送学生时看到一把枪从司机腿上掉下来。 A Hopewell Area School District bus driver was suspended after a student reported seeing a gun fall from the driver's lap while transporting students. 司机承认携带枪支,随后该巴士被停运接受检查。 The driver admitted to having the gun and the bus was taken out of service for inspection. 该事件引发了地区官员、林肯公园和霍普韦尔镇警察局的调查。 The incident led to an investigation involving district officials, Lincoln Park, and Hopewell Township Police. 该司机可能面临法律诉讼。 The driver faces potential legal action.