威斯康星州一名校车司机因据称醉酒驾车、危及学生而被捕。 A school bus driver in Wisconsin was arrested for alleged drunk driving, endangering students.
在威斯康星州的哈特兰,一名72岁的校车司机在1月27日被捕,当时一名学生报告说,他驾驶时不规则,拒绝让儿童下车。 A 72-year-old school bus driver in Hartland, Wisconsin was arrested on January 27th after a student reported him driving erratically and refusing to let children off the bus. 警方在拨打 911 电话后拦下了公共汽车,司机被送进监狱,面临醉酒驾驶和鲁莽危害的指控。 Police stopped the bus following the 911 call, and the driver was taken to jail, facing charges of operating while intoxicated and reckless endangerment. 这辆公共汽车由Dousman运输公司为哈特兰湖边学校区运营。 The bus is operated by Dousman Transport Company for the Hartland-Lakeside School District.