32 岁的塞德里克·库利 (Cedric Cooley) 因驾照被吊销而在马萨诸塞州巴里引发了一起校车事故。 32-year-old Cedric Cooley, with a suspended license, caused a school bus crash in Barre, MA.
32 岁的塞德里克·库利 (Cedric Cooley) 因驾照被吊销而在马萨诸塞州巴里引发了一起校车事故。 32-year-old Cedric Cooley with a suspended license caused a school bus crash in Barre, Massachusetts. 他的SUV越过中心线,导致巴士失去控制并撞上护栏和树木。 His SUV crossed the centerline, causing the bus to lose control and crash into a guardrail and trees. 没有人受重伤,但作为预防措施,几名学生被送往医院。 No one was seriously injured, but several students were taken to a hospital as a precaution. 库利面临吊销执照、操作疏忽、超速和鲁莽危害儿童等罪名。 Cooley faces charges of operating with a suspended license, negligent operation, speeding, and reckless endangerment of a child.