杜兰生日聚会枪击案造成六人死亡,另有六人受伤。 Six killed, other six injured in Duran birthday party shooting.
厄瓜多尔犯罪率最高的城市之一杜兰发生生日聚会枪击事件,造成 6 人死亡,6 人受伤。 6 people were killed and 6 injured in a birthday party shooting in Duran, one of Ecuador's most crime-ridden cities. 袭击事件于5月15日发生在杜兰市阿贝尔吉尔伯特区。 The attack occurred in the Abel Gilbert district of Duran on May 15th. 由于与贩毒和有组织犯罪有关的暴力事件激增,总统丹尼尔·诺沃亚于一月份宣布该国处于“内部武装冲突”状态。 President Daniel Noboa declared the country to be in a state of "internal armed conflict" in January, due to a spike in violence linked to drug trafficking and organized crime.