由于东非互联网中断,美国驻坦桑尼亚大使馆暂时关闭两天。 U.S. Embassy in Tanzania temporarily closes for 2 days due to East African internet outage.
由于大规模互联网中断影响到多个东非国家,美国驻坦桑尼亚大使馆暂时关闭两天。 The U.S. Embassy in Tanzania has temporarily closed for two days due to a widespread internet outage affecting multiple East African nations. 该大使馆以网络服务下降为由关闭,导致5月14日和15日的所有领事预约都被推迟。 The embassy cited degraded network services for its closure, causing all consular appointments on May 14th and 15th to be postponed. 但紧急情况及签证领取服务仍将提供。 However, emergency cases and visa collection services will still be provided. 互联网中断于周日开始,影响到肯尼亚、卢旺达和乌干达。 The internet disruption began on Sunday, impacting Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda.