俄罗斯总统普京将于5月16日至17日访华。 Russian President Vladimir Putin visits China on May 16-17.
据克里姆林宫消息,俄罗斯总统普京将于5月16日至17日访华。 Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit China on May 16-17, according to the Kremlin. 这是他第五个任期以来首次出访。 This marks his first foreign trip since beginning his fifth term in office. 此次访问正值中国和俄罗斯宣布建立“无限制”伙伴关系之际,旨在加强两国在全球冲突中的协调。 The visit comes as China and Russia have declared a "no limits" partnership, increasing their alignment amid global conflicts. 中国在乌克兰冲突中给予俄罗斯政治支持,并继续向俄罗斯出口有助于战争的物品,但没有直接出口武器。 China has supported Russia politically in the Ukraine conflict and continues to export items that contribute to the Russian war effort, without directly exporting weaponry.