墨西哥恰帕斯州因贩毒集团地盘之争而发生的大规模枪击事件造成 11 人死亡。 11 killed in mass shootings linked to cartel turf wars in Chiapas, Mexico.
据墨西哥南部恰帕斯州检察官办公室称,该州一个小镇发生大规模枪击事件,造成 11 人死亡。 11 people were killed in mass shootings in a small town in the southern Mexico state of Chiapas, according to the state prosecutor's office. 枪击事件发生在奇科穆塞洛镇,该镇以移民和毒品贩运路线而闻名,近几个月来一直受到贩毒集团地盘之争的影响。 The shooting occurred in the township of Chicomuselo, known for being a trafficking route for migrants and drugs, which has been affected by cartel turf wars in recent months. 由于敌对贩毒集团争夺地盘,恰帕斯州边境地区暴力事件频发。 The border area of Chiapas has been plagued by violence as rival cartels battle for territory.