爱尔兰的必要工作人员抗议家庭团聚政策的 30,000 欧元工资要求和 12 个月的等待期。 Essential workers in Ireland protest against family reunion policy's €30,000 salary requirement and 12-month wait.
爱尔兰的必要工作人员正在抗议家庭团聚政策,该政策要求他们的配偶或子女必须至少赚 30,000 欧元才能来爱尔兰团聚。 Essential workers in Ireland are protesting against the family reunion policy, which requires them to earn a minimum of €30,000 before their spouse or children can join them in the country. 现行政策还意味着工人必须等待 12 个月才能申请将其家人带到爱尔兰。 The current policy also means workers must wait 12 months before applying to bring their family to Ireland. 活动人士呼吁结束 12 个月的等待和处理时间,并取消工资要求,他们认为这些工人中的许多人都从事医疗保健、食品、酒店和建筑等重要行业。 Campaigners are calling for an end to the 12-month wait and processing time and for the salary requirement to be removed, arguing that many of these workers are in essential industries such as healthcare, food, hospitality, and construction.