MIX 曼彻斯特新园区位于曼彻斯特机场附近,占地 60 英亩,投资 10 亿英镑。新园区的总体规划修改后,将重点转向先进制造业和科学领域,预计将创造多达 8,000 个就业岗位。 Revised masterplan for MIX Manchester, a £1bn 60-acre site near Manchester Airport, shifts focus to advanced manufacturing and science, creating up to 8,000 jobs.
MIX Manchester 位于曼彻斯特机场附近,占地 60 英亩,投资 10 亿英镑,其修订总体规划将重点转向先进的制造业和科学领域,将创造多达 8,000 个就业岗位并提供 200 万平方英尺的空间。 Revised masterplan for MIX Manchester, a £1bn 60-acre site near Manchester Airport, shifts focus to advanced manufacturing and science, creating up to 8,000 jobs and delivering 2 million sq ft of space. 该项目曾被称为曼彻斯特机场城,得到了投资者的支持,并已获得 3000 万英镑用于基础设施建设。 Once known as Airport City Manchester, the project is backed by investors and has already received £30m for infrastructure. 该开发项目旨在吸引科学和创新企业,并将在规划批准前进行公众咨询。 The development aims to attract science and innovation businesses and will undergo public consultation before planning approval.