柬埔寨贡布胡椒产业因极端热浪遭受严重农作物损失。 Cambodia's Kampot pepper industry faces significant crop damage due to extreme heatwave.
柬埔寨著名的贡布胡椒正遭受酷热的侵袭,酷热和干旱导致农作物严重受损。 Cambodia's renowned Kampot pepper is suffering due to a scorching heatwave, with intense heat and drought causing significant crop damage. 这种胡椒以其独特的花香而闻名,受到世界各地顶级厨师的高度评价,每公斤售价高达 200 美元。 Known for its distinctive floral flavor, the pepper is highly valued by top chefs worldwide, selling for up to $200 per kilo. 该行业经历了红色高棉统治和数十年的动荡,现在正面临着气候变化导致的极端天气的威胁。 The industry, which has survived the Khmer Rouge and decades of instability, now faces a threat from extreme weather driven by climate change.