研究:妊娠导致脑灰质减少高达5%,与社会认知领域相关。 Study: Pregnancy causes up to 5% brain grey matter reduction, linked to social cognition areas.
巴塞罗那自治大学的一项新研究表明,94%的孕妇大脑灰质发生改变,其体积下降5%,主要是在与社会认知相关的领域。 A new study from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona shows that 94% of pregnant women's grey matter in the brain experiences changes, with a reduction of up to 5% in volume, mainly in areas related to social cognition. 利用神经成像,在《自然通信》上发表的研究发现,这些变化与孕期和产后部分恢复期间雌激素的波动有关。 Using neuro-imaging, the research, published in Nature Communications, found that these changes are linked to estrogen hormone fluctuations during pregnancy and partial recovery postpartum.