2021 年,有 100 万英国人遭遇过饮料下药事件,全国范围内的下药事件增加了 13%,伦敦每月发生 114 起。 1 million Brits experienced drink spiking in 2021, with a 13% national increase and 114 cases per month in London.
2021 年,有 100 万英国人的饮料中毒,全国病例上升了 13%;伦敦每月报告的病例为 114 起。 1 million Brits had their drinks spiked in 2021, with cases rising 13% nationally; London reported 114 cases per month. 在 1,383 项指控中,有 1,075 项与饮料下药有关,131 项涉及针头。 Of 1,383 allegations, 1,075 related to drink spiking and 131 involved needles. 大多数受害者是女性,事件主要发生在晚上 6 点到早上 6 点之间。 Most victims are female, with incidents occurring mainly between 6pm and 6am. 澳大利亚的饮酒下药事件报道不足,只有 2% 的受访者在过去 12 个月内经历过饮酒下药。 Drink spiking in Australia is underreported, with 2% of respondents experiencing spiking in the last 12 months. 只有不到7.2%的案件被报告给警方。 Fewer than 7.2% of cases are reported to the police.