女议员研究人员报告说,议会陌生人酒吧发生了饮酒事件;调查仍在进行中。 Female parliamentary researcher reports drink-spiking incident at Stranger's Bar in Parliament; investigation ongoing.
一名女性议会研究员于1月7日报告说, 警方正在议会院陌生人酒吧调查一起指称的酗酒事件。 Police are investigating an alleged drink-spiking incident at Stranger's Bar in the Houses of Parliament, reported by a female parliamentary researcher on January 7th. 首都警察局正在支持受害者,调查仍在进行,没有逮捕任何人。 The Metropolitan Police are supporting the victim, and the investigation is ongoing with no arrests made. 这起事件发生在对威斯敏斯特(Westminster)的饮酒文化的审查之中, This incident comes amid scrutiny of Westminster's drinking culture and plans to make drink-spiking a standalone offense in the UK.