加拿大卫生部放宽了精子和卵子捐赠者的筛查规则,取消了对男同性恋和双性恋的禁令。 Health Canada eased sperm and egg donor screening rules, removing a ban on gay and bisexual men.
加拿大卫生部放宽了对精子和卵子捐献者的筛查规则,取消了限制男同性恋和双性恋者向精子库捐献的禁令。 Health Canada has eased screening rules for sperm and egg donors, removing a ban that restricted gay and bisexual men from donating to sperm banks. 新的性别中立、基于行为的筛查问卷取代了有关过去三个月内发生过男男性行为的男性的问题。 The new gender-neutral, behaviour-based screening questionnaire replaces questions about men who have sex with men in the previous three months. 卫生部长马克·霍兰德 (Mark Holland) 表示,更新后的政策遵循了最新证据,并确保了为寻求辅助人类生殖的加拿大人提供稳定的捐赠者供应。 Health Minister Mark Holland said the updated policy follows the latest evidence and ensures a stable supply of donors for Canadians seeking assisted human reproduction.