萨斯喀彻温党领袖Scott Moe承诺,如果再次当选,将增加获得生育治疗的机会,并进行自我管理的HPV测试。 Saskatchewan Party leader Scott Moe promises enhanced fertility treatment access and self-administered HPV tests if re-elected.
萨斯喀彻温党领袖Scott Moe承诺,如果10月28日再次当选,将增加获得生育治疗和宫颈癌筛查的机会。 Scott Moe, leader of the Saskatchewan Party, has promised to enhance access to fertility treatments and cervical cancer screening if re-elected on October 28. 该计划包括补贴第一次生育治疗,允许25-69岁的妇女自行进行HPV测试,将萨斯喀彻温省定位为加拿大提供这一选择的第二省。 The plan includes subsidizing the first fertility treatment and allowing women aged 25-69 to self-administer HPV tests, positioning Saskatchewan as the second province in Canada to offer this option. 这一宣布是在民族民主党领导人卡拉·贝克发表声明之前宣布的。 This announcement precedes a statement from NDP leader Carla Beck.