阿拉巴马州儿童保育税收抵免法案 (HB358) 等待州长凯·艾维 (Kay Ivey) 签署,该法案为儿童保育企业提供 1500 万美元的税收抵免,并每年提供 500 万美元用于质量改进。 Alabama's child care tax credit bill (HB358) awaits Governor Kay Ivey's signature, offering $15m in tax credits for childcare businesses and $5m annually for quality improvement.
阿拉巴马州一致通过的儿童保育税收抵免法案 (HB358) 正在等待州长凯·艾维 (Kay Ivey) 签署,以帮助陷入困境的儿童保育提供者和工薪家庭。 Alabama's unanimously passed child care tax credit bill (HB358) is awaiting Governor Kay Ivey's signature to assist struggling child care providers and working families. 该法案如果全面实施,预计金额将达到 8250 万美元,为提供儿童保育援助的企业提供 1500 万美元的税收抵免,为提高儿童保育质量的提供者每年提供 500 万美元的税收抵免。 The bill, estimated to reach $82.5 million if fully phased in, offers $15 million in tax credits for businesses providing childcare assistance and $5 million annually for childcare providers improving quality. 该计划旨在解决阿拉巴马州劳动力参与率低和儿童保育成本高的问题。 The initiative aims to address Alabama's low labor force participation rate and high child care costs.