内布拉斯加州立法者为儿童保育的可负担性引入了新的资金来源,包括对企业和儿童保育提供者的税收抵免。 Nebraska lawmaker introduces new funding sources for childcare affordability, including tax credits for businesses and childcare providers.
尼布拉斯加州引入了新的资金来源以提高儿童保育的负担能力,包括为儿童保育计划捐赠的企业提供税收抵免的儿童保育税收抵免法案,以及学校准备税收抵免法案,允许儿童保育提供者和专业人员根据参与国家提供的计划或接受儿童补贴获得资金. Nebraska introduces new funding sources to improve childcare affordability, including the Child Care Tax Credit Act offering tax credits to businesses donating to childcare programs, and the School Readiness Tax Credit Act, allowing childcare providers and professionals to access funds based on participation in state-offered programs or accepting children on subsidies. 州参议员埃利奥特·博斯塔提出的这些法案旨在应对州内劳动力挑战和缺乏儿童保育机会的问题。 These acts, introduced by State Senator Eliot Bostar, aim to address workforce challenges and lack of childcare access in the state.