62 岁的亚特兰大执事约翰尼霍尔曼在一次交通拦截期间被警方电击致死,其家人与亚特兰大市达成 380 万美元的和解诉讼。 62-year-old Atlanta deacon Johnny Hollman's family settles $3.8M lawsuit against City of Atlanta after his death during a police tasing during a traffic stop.
62 岁的亚特兰大执事约翰尼·霍尔曼 (Johnny Hollman) 在一次交通拦截中被警察电击后死亡,他的家人已与亚特兰大市达成 380 万美元的诉讼和解。 The family of Johnny Hollman, a 62-year-old Atlanta deacon who died after being tased by a police officer during a traffic stop, has settled a $3.8 million lawsuit against the City of Atlanta. 霍尔曼的家人声称,在 2023 年 8 月的事件中,警察使用了过度武力,多次使用电击枪。 Hollman's family claimed the officer used excessive force, with multiple tasings during the August 2023 incident. 亚特兰大市议会在会议上一致批准了该和解协议。 The Atlanta City Council unanimously approved the settlement during a meeting.