自由国家党领导人戴维·克里萨富利 (David Crisafulli) 誓言一旦当选将终止条约进程。 LNP leader David Crisafulli vows to end treaty process if elected.
在昆士兰州,随着十月大选的临近,在一国党的史蒂夫·安德鲁 (Steve Andrew) 提议废除现有法律后,自由国家党面临着条约路径的选择。 In Queensland, with October's election approaching, the LNP is facing a decision on a path to treaty after One Nation's Steve Andrew proposed repealing existing laws. 工党谴责自由国家党背弃昆士兰原住民,而反对党领袖戴维·克里萨富利 (David Crisafulli) 则表示,一旦当选,他将终止条约进程。 Labor condemned the LNP for turning their back on First Nations Queenslanders, while Opposition Leader David Crisafulli stated he would end the treaty process if elected. 该废除动议得到了政府和绿党的支持。 The motion to repeal was supported by the government and Greens.