作家 Gemma Carey 分享了她的后疫情时代之旅。 Author Gemma Carey shares her post-COVID journey.
杰玛·凯里 (Gemma Carey) 是一篇关于新冠疫情后旅程的文章的作者,她分享了自己在动荡时期的经历,从 2019 年的丛林大火到新冠疫情。 Gemma Carey, the author of a post-COVID journey article, shares her experiences navigating turbulent times, from the 2019 bushfires to the pandemic. 在气候危机中怀孕的凯莉最初想到可以去看看现在的世界,而不是以前的样子,她感到很平静。 Carey initially found peace in the thought of visiting the world as it is, not as it once was, while pregnant in the midst of the climate crisis. 由于失去了孩子,她面临着更多的挑战,而一位朋友在疫情最严重的时候帮她抱了孩子。 She faced more challenges as she lost her child, and a friend carried her baby during the height of the pandemic. 凯莉的旅程反映了她在不断变化的世界中对美丽和希望的探索。 Carey's journey reflects her search for beauty and hope amidst a changing world.