4月份,受美国利率担忧及地缘政治紧张局势影响,新兴市场债券和货币出现下跌。 In April, emerging markets experienced a decline in bonds and currencies due to US interest rate concerns and geopolitical tensions.
4月份,新兴市场债券和货币出现下跌,导致此前的多头情绪由乐观转为悲观。 In April, emerging markets faced a decline in bonds and currencies, leading to a shift in sentiment from optimism to negativity among former bulls. 这是由于人们对美国利率上升及地缘政治紧张局势升级的担忧所致,从而抑制了风险偏好。 This occurred due to concerns about higher US interest rates and escalating geopolitical tensions, dampening risk appetite. 发展中国家主权债券出现七个月来最大跌幅,货币指标跌至去年十一月以来的最低水平。 Developing-nation sovereign bonds fell by the most in seven months, and a currency gauge reached its lowest since November. 美元走强、美联储利率前景重新定价以及美国滞胀风险也助长了这种转变。 The US dollar's strengthening, repricing of the Federal Reserve rate outlook, and risk of US stagflation have also contributed to the shift.