全球市场起伏不定,因为美联储的强硬立场在经济预测和地缘政治威胁下影响到美国股票。 Global markets fluctuate as Fed's hawkish stance impacts US stocks, amid economic forecasts and geopolitical threats.
本周,全球市场出现了喜忧参半的发展,美联储的强硬立场导致美国强劲的股市出现逆转,部分被低水平的PCE数据所抵消。 Global markets saw mixed developments this week, with the US Federal Reserve's hawkish stance causing a reversal against the strong US stock market, partially offset by lower PCE data. 关键要点包括卡塔尔威胁停止向欧洲供应天然气,汇丰银行预测美联储削减利率,以及中国暗示提供更多房地产市场支持。 Key highlights include Qatar's threat to halt gas supplies to Europe, HSBC's forecast of Fed rate cuts, and China hinting at more property market support. 亚洲区域股票收益不大,由于假日流动性不足,预计黄金和原油将仍然波动不定。 Regional equities in Asia saw minor gains, and gold and crude oil are expected to remain volatile due to thin holiday liquidity. 美元指数呈现了霸道趋势,而欧元和澳大利亚美元则面临挑战。 The US Dollar Index showed a bullish trend, while the euro and Australian dollar faced challenges.