英国蛇咬事件不断增加,威尔士的一对父子在安格尔西岛海滩附近遭遇了有毒黑蝰蛇。 Father and son in Wales encounter venomous black adder near Anglesey beach amid UK rise in snake bites.
威尔士的一对父子在安格尔西岛海滩附近发现了一条有毒的黑蝰蛇,而兽医毒物服务部门报告称,英国的蛇咬伤事件有所增加。 A father and son in Wales encountered a venomous black adder snake near an Anglesey beach, as a veterinary poisons service reported an increase in snake bites in the UK. 黑蝰蛇是英国唯一的毒蛇种类,常见于沙丘、山坡、荒野和林地。 Black adders are the only venomous snake species in the UK and are more commonly found in sand dunes, hillsides, moors, and woodlands. 最近几天,有人报告在安格尔西岛和格温内斯郡发现了这种蛇。 Sightings of these snakes have been reported across Anglesey and Gwynedd in recent days.