男子在伦诺克斯角被他试图捡到的毒蛇咬伤后住院。 Man hospitalized after being bitten by venomous snake he tried to pick up in Lennox Head.
一名26岁男子在新南威尔士Lennox Head被1月31日从Ballina街接来的有毒的东部棕色蛇咬伤后住院治疗。 A 26-year-old man in Lennox Head, NSW, was hospitalized after being bitten by a venomous eastern brown snake he picked up from Ballina Street on January 31. 尽管交通被阻截,警察要求抓蛇,但该男子在专业人员抵达之前进行了干预。 Despite traffic being stopped and police calling for a snake catcher, the man intervened before professionals could arrive. 该蛇被安全地转移到附近的丛林地带。 The snake was safely relocated to nearby bushland. 蛇捕手Mark Badgery敦促公众召集专业人员,而不是自己处理蛇。 Snake catcher Mark Badgery urged the public to call professionals rather than handling snakes themselves.