多芬两名 16 岁男孩因袭击事件被捕,其中一人用类似枪支的物体指着警察。 16-year-old boys arrested in Dauphin after assault, one points object resembling a firearm at officers.
警方对发生在邓菲尔德大道一处民宅的骚乱和袭击事件做出处置后,在多芬逮捕了两名 16 岁男孩。 16-year-old boys arrested in Dauphin after police responded to a disturbance and assault at a home on Dunfield Avenue. 一名 17 岁的男性被发现因气枪受伤,两名嫌疑人逃跑。 A 17-year-old male was found with injuries from an airsoft gun, and two suspects fled. 其中一人停了下来,另一人用类似枪支的物体指着警察,然后试图逃跑。 One stopped, and the other pointed an object resembling a firearm at officers before trying to escape. 两名嫌疑人分别来自多芬和布兰登,目前均已被拘留,加拿大皇家骑警正在继续调查。 Both suspects, from Dauphin and Brandon, are in custody as RCMP continue their investigation.