澳大利亚生产力委员会的报告发现,由于现有的广泛贸易协定,如果中国加入CPTPP,澳大利亚将获得极小的经济利益。 Australian Productivity Commission report finds minimal economic benefits for Australia if China joins the CPTPP due to existing extensive trade agreements.
澳大利亚生产力委员会的报告发现,如果中国加入《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(CPTPP),澳大利亚将获得微乎其微的经济利益。 The Australian Productivity Commission's report finds minimal economic benefits for Australia if China joins the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). 亚太地区现有的多边和双边自由贸易协定网络确保了全面的贸易体系,从而降低了中国或美国加入CPTPP可能获得的优势。 The existing network of multilateral and bilateral free trade agreements in Asia and the Pacific ensures a comprehensive trading system, reducing the advantages that could be gained from China's or US's inclusion in the CPTPP.