中国寻求新西兰协助加入重要贸易协定CPTPP。 China seeks New Zealand's assistance in joining the CPTPP, a major trade agreement.
中国寻求新西兰的帮助,加入一项重要的贸易协定《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(CPTPP)。 China seeks New Zealand's assistance in joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), a major trade agreement. 不过,一位贸易专家表示,新西兰的帮助能力有限,因为是否将中国纳入最终并不在新西兰的控制范围内。 However, a trade expert states that New Zealand has limited capacity to help, as the decision for China's inclusion ultimately lies outside of New Zealand's control. 中国于2021年申请加入CPTPP,中国商务部副部长希望得到新西兰的支持。 China applied to join the CPTPP in 2021, with its vice commerce minister hoping for New Zealand's support.