用于乘坐公共交通和使用设施的欧洲残疾人卡已获欧洲议会批准。 The European Disability Card for public transport and facilities access is approved in the European Parliament.
欧洲残疾人卡(EDC)已获欧洲议会批准,允许残疾人士特殊使用所有欧盟国家的公共交通和设施。 The European Disability Card (EDC) has been approved in the European Parliament, allowing individuals with disabilities special access to public transport and facilities across all EU countries. 该卡将取代现行的欧盟停车卡,由国家当局发行,并由各个成员国确定资格标准。 The card, set to replace the current EU parking card, will be issued by national authorities, with individual member states determining eligibility criteria. 它提供免费/折扣服务、优先访问、个人协助和移动辅助。 It offers free/discounted services, priority access, personal assistance, and mobility aids. 爱尔兰最年轻的欧洲议会议员玛丽亚·沃尔什呼吁爱尔兰政府实施残疾儿童计划,确保爱尔兰残疾公民能够平等获得折扣机票、预留座位、免费旅行和个人协助等支持。 Ireland's youngest MEP, Maria Walsh, urges the Irish government to implement the EDC, ensuring equal access to supports such as discounted tickets, reserved seating, free travel, and personal assistance for Irish citizens with disabilities.