75 岁的查理国王在癌症治疗取得进展后恢复公职。 75-year-old King Charles, after cancer treatment progress, resumes public duties.
白金汉宫宣布,查尔斯国王在癌症治疗取得进展后重返公职。 King Charles returns to public duties after cancer treatment progress, Buckingham Palace announces. 这位 75 岁的君主将于周二与卡米拉王后共同参观癌症治疗中心,标志着他的康复里程碑。 The 75-year-old monarch will mark his recovery milestone with a joint visit with Queen Camilla to a cancer treatment center on Tuesday. 查尔斯国王的医疗团队对于他的持续康复感到“非常鼓舞”,他的医生对于迄今为止的进展“非常满意”。 King Charles' medical team is "very encouraged" about his continued recovery and that his doctors have been "sufficiently pleased" with progress made so far.