33 岁的塞缪尔·哈纳沃尔特 (Samuel Hanawalt) 因在 I-80 上故意撞上加州公路巡警车辆,造成两名警官受伤,面临多项重罪指控,包括谋杀未遂和使用致命武器袭击。 33-year-old Samuel Hanawalt faces multiple felony charges, including attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon, for intentionally crashing into a CHP vehicle on I-80, injuring two officers.
33 岁的戴维斯居民塞缪尔·哈纳沃尔特 (Samuel Hanawalt) 面临多项重罪指控,包括两项谋杀未遂罪和两项使用致命武器袭击罪,罪名是故意在 80 号州际公路上迎头撞上一辆加州公路巡逻队 (CHP) 的车辆,导致两名警官受伤。 33-year-old Davis resident Samuel Hanawalt faces multiple felony charges, including two counts of attempted murder and two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, for allegedly intentionally crashing head-on into a California Highway Patrol (CHP) vehicle on Interstate 80, resulting in injury to two officers. 行车记录仪拍摄的视频显示,哈纳瓦尔特在州际公路上逆向行驶,随后他遭到指控。 Hanawalt was charged after dash cam footage revealed him driving the wrong way on the interstate.