一名男子在新罕布什尔州际公路上走错路后被捕,造成车祸。 A man was arrested after driving the wrong way on interstates in New Hampshire, causing a crash.
来自新罕布什尔州鲍市的 49 岁男子布赖恩·昆斯特 (Brian Kunst) 在 293 号和 93 号州际公路上逆行后被捕,当另一名司机为避免正面碰撞而偏离道路时,导致车祸。 A 49-year-old man from Bow, New Hampshire, Brian Kunst, was arrested after driving the wrong way on Interstates 293 and 93, leading to a crash when another driver veered off the road to avoid a head-on collision. Kunst被控使用致命武器和酒后驾车的鲁莽行为。 Kunst is charged with reckless conduct with a deadly weapon and driving while intoxicated. 他在康科德被州州警拦下,定于12月2日出庭。 He was stopped by a state trooper in Concord and is set to appear in court on December 2.