62 岁的费耶特县男子卡尔·考克斯因谋杀女儿和女婿被判处两个终身监禁,他威胁检察官和警长。 62-year-old Carl Cox, Fayette County man, sentenced to two life terms for murdering his daughter and son-in-law, threatened prosecutor and sheriff.
62 岁的费耶特县男子卡尔·考克斯因谋杀其女儿朗达·考克斯和其丈夫吉米·尼尔而被判处两次连续终身监禁。 62-year-old Fayette County man, Carl Cox, was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the murder of his daughter, Rhonda Cox, and her husband, Jimmy Neal. 在宣判期间,考克斯威胁要杀死费耶特县检察官安东尼·西利伯蒂和警长迈克·弗里德利。 Cox threatened to kill Fayette County Prosecutor Anthony Ciliberti and Sheriff Mike Fridley during his sentencing. 经过五天的审判,陪审团于二月份裁定他犯有一级谋杀罪。 The jury found him guilty of first-degree murder in February after a five-day trial.