37岁的Jacksonville man Roy Cox因贩毒而被判处10年徒刑,未登记为性罪犯。 37-year-old Jacksonville man Roy Cox sentenced to 10 years for drug trafficking, failing to register as sex offender.
Roy Cox, 37岁,来自北卡罗来纳州Jacksonville, 因贩毒和未登记为性罪犯而被判处10年联邦监禁。 Roy Cox, a 37-year-old from Jacksonville, North Carolina, has been sentenced to 10 years in federal prison for drug trafficking and failing to register as a sex offender. 他被判犯有散发快克可卡因和持有可卡因意图分销的罪行,并通过受控购买收集了证据。 He was found guilty of distributing crack cocaine and possessing cocaine with intent to distribute, with evidence gathered through controlled buys. Cox以前在佛罗里达州曾被判犯有性犯罪,但在北卡罗来纳州没有登记,导致附加指控。 Cox previously had a sex offense conviction in Florida but did not register in North Carolina, leading to additional charges.