富勒顿市的特洛伊高中因接到匿名电话称有一名男子携带突击步枪而被短暂封锁。 Troy High School in Fullerton was briefly locked down due to an anonymous call about a man with an assault rifle.
富勒顿市特洛伊高中因接到匿名电话举报称学校附近有一名男子携带突击步枪而被短暂封锁。 Troy High School in Fullerton was briefly locked down due to an anonymous call reporting a man with an assault rifle near the school. 该电话于下午 2 点 16 分打到富勒顿警察局。 The call came at 2:16 pm and was made to the Fullerton Police Department. 然而,所提供的电话号码被发现无效,导致警方怀疑该电话可能是恶作剧或错误。 However, the phone number provided was found to be invalid, leading police to suspect the call may have been a prank or a mistake. 封锁在一小时内解除,恢复正常。 The lockdown was lifted within an hour and normalcy resumed.