因违反津巴布韦《外汇管理法》而在哈拉雷被捕的 65 名外汇交易嫌疑人将继续被监禁,直到 24 日保释裁决出来,因为 NPA 反对保释。 65 suspected forex dealers arrested in Harare for contravening Zimbabwe's Exchange Control Act will remain in jail until their bail ruling on the 24th, as the NPA opposes bail.
65 名外汇交易员嫌疑人在哈拉雷因涉嫌违反津巴布韦《外汇管理法》而被捕,他们将额外被判入狱两天,之后他们的保释判决将被推迟到本月 24 日。 65 suspected forex dealers, arrested in Harare for allegedly contravening Zimbabwe's Exchange Control Act, will spend an additional two days in jail before their bail ruling is deferred until the 24th of the month. 国家检察机关 (NPA) 反对保释,称该罪行严重,一旦定罪将被判处监禁。 The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) opposes bail, stating that the offence is serious and attracts a custodial sentence if convicted. 这些嫌疑人在警方针对非法外币交易人员的突击行动中被逮捕。 The suspects were arrested during a police blitz targeting people dealing in illegal foreign currency.