尼日利亚联邦法院判处三名无许可证的货币交易商罚款和监禁。 Federal court in Nigeria sentences three unlicensed currency traders to fines and jail.
尼日利亚伊洛林的一个联邦高等法院定罪并判处3名未经许可的货币兑换经营者各种刑罚,包括社区服务、罚款和监禁。 A Federal High Court in Ilorin, Nigeria, convicted and sentenced three unlicensed currency exchange operators to various penalties, including community service, fines, and imprisonment. 经济和金融犯罪委员会根据《银行和其他金融机构法》起诉了在没有尼日利亚中央银行执照的情况下开展业务的三人。 The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission prosecuted the trio under the Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act for operating without a Central Bank of Nigeria license. 判决旨在遏制非法外汇活动,这些活动可能助长货币贬值和洗钱。 The sentences aim to curb illegal foreign exchange activities, which can contribute to currency depreciation and money laundering.