以色列军事情报局长因军事失败而辞职。 Israel's military intelligence chief, resigned due to military's failure .
以色列军事情报局局长阿哈龙·哈利瓦少将在军方未能阻止哈马斯袭击后辞职,此次袭击导致约 1,200 人死亡,约 250 名人质被劫持到加沙。 Major General Aharon Haliva, Israel's military intelligence chief, resigned after the military's inability to prevent a Hamas attack that resulted in the deaths of approximately 1,200 people and the taking of around 250 hostages into Gaza. 这是袭击事件发生后首位辞职的高级官员。 This marks the first senior figure to step down since the attack. 哈利瓦在辞职信中承担了未能阻止袭击的责任,并表示军事情报局未能履行职责。 Haliva took responsibility for not preventing the assault in his resignation letter, stating that the military intelligence directorate failed in its task.