中国公安部启动“猎狐2024”行动,缉捕海外经济逃犯。 China's Ministry of Public Security launches "Fox Hunt 2024" to capture economic fugitives overseas.
中国公安部启动“猎狐2024”行动,缉拿外逃海外经济犯罪嫌疑人。 China's Ministry of Public Security launches "Fox Hunt 2024", a campaign to capture economic fugitives who have fled overseas. 自2014年以来,“猎狐”行动已在120个国家和地区抓获外逃嫌疑人9000余名,追回涉案资产近490亿元人民币(68亿美元)。 Since 2014, the 'Fox Hunt' operations have captured over 9,000 fugitives in 120 countries and regions, recovering nearly 49 billion yuan ($6.8 billion) in assets. 此次行动针对的是腐败官员,旨在维护国家安全和社会稳定。 The operation targets corrupt officials and aims to safeguard national security and social stability.