总统竞选活动支付拜登的旅行费用。 Presidential campaign pays for Biden's travel costs.
总统乔·拜登的竞选团队和民主党全国委员会分担他在竞选期间的旅行费用。 President Joe Biden's campaign and the Democratic National Committee share the cost of his travel during the campaign season. 这一长期安排使得纳税人无法承担政治旅行的全部费用。 This longstanding arrangement prevents taxpayers from covering the full bill for political trips. 总统的差旅费用包括西科斯基直升机(称为“海军陆战队一号”)和定制的波音 747(称为“空军一号”),费用在每小时 16,700 美元至近 20,000 美元之间。 The president's travel expenses include Sikorsky helicopters known as Marine One and custom Boeing 747s, known as Air Force One, for which costs range between $16,700 and nearly $20,000 per hour.