阿里格尔人民院选举的穆斯林选民认为这次选举至关重要。 Muslim voters in Aligarh's Lok Sabha elections view the polls as crucial.
阿里格尔人民院选举的穆斯林选民认为选举对于保护其社区权利和印度的多元化至关重要,尽管有些选民感觉被政党忽视了。 Muslim voters in Aligarh's Lok Sabha elections view the polls as crucial for protecting their community's rights and India's pluralism, despite some feeling neglected by political parties. 阿里格尔是北方邦的一个议会选区,拥有大量穆斯林,伊斯兰教是该邦第二大宗教。 Aligarh, a sizeable Muslim community, is a parliamentary constituency in Uttar Pradesh with Islam as the second-most popular religion. 许多穆斯林将这次选举视为维护宪法和确保人人平等的机会。 Many Muslims see the election as a chance to safeguard the Constitution and ensure equality for all.