拉胡尔·甘地敦促克什米尔居民在废除第370条后的第一次议会选举中投票支持印度集团. Rahul Gandhi urges Jammu and Kashmir residents to vote for INDIA bloc in first assembly elections post-Article 370 repeal.
印度Lok Sabha反对党领袖Rahul Gandhi呼吁查谟和克什米尔居民在自2019年废除第370条以来的第一次议会选举中投票支持印地安人协会集团。 Rahul Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in India’s Lok Sabha, has called on Jammu and Kashmir residents to vote for the INDIA bloc in the first assembly elections since the repeal of Article 370 in 2019. 他强调,投票将有助于恢复公民权利和创造就业。 He emphasized that voting would help restore citizens' rights and create jobs. 选举覆盖七个区的24个选区。 The elections cover 24 constituencies across seven districts. 莫迪总理和辛哈副总督也敦促选民参加率高,特别是在青年和第一次选民中。 Both Prime Minister Modi and Lieutenant Governor Sinha have also urged high voter turnout, particularly among youth and first-time voters.